Click the column headings to view event results

1349Jim TruemanM60MDOC93                4449        
1349Phil SmithardM75KFO93           4944             
1349David BlairM70NWOC93          4746              
1349Mindaugas LekaveckasM35DFOK93     4647                   
1349Jo ThornleyW75AIRE93    2524            44       
1349Eoin O'DonnellM18BOF93    343128                   
1349Jeremy WilkinsonM55AIRE93    0   9    6    4236      
1349Andrew SelbyM45DVO93    0     4845              
1349David HarrisonM60SYO93    063322 32                
1349Alison HighW45SO93    333327                   
1349Tom PerryM2093   4746                     
1349Peter MartinM60MV9329   000         619      2613
1363Bernie NewittW55SOC92                        4844
1363Barbara KeenanW55DEVON92                    4646    
1363Iain Smith-WardM55LOC92                  4646      
1363Florence HainesW21AROS92                4646        
1363Rob WoodsM55RAFO92                3412     46  
1363Frank InceM80SWOC92                50        42
1363Alexandra LennieW21CLYDE92          4646              
1363Denis MurphyM75DEE92         32      16     44   
1363Miranda WeatherbyW21DRONGO92      20 3240                
1363Judy DouglasW80POTOC92     4448                   
1363Eifion ThomasM75DEE92     2321               48   
1363Adam KentM55SYO92     0            45   47   
1363Caroline BrammerW55DEE92    112728 26                 
1363David LeadleyM60OD92    203636                   
1363Stephen BinghamM65BASOC92    172315     37             
1363Graham McIntyreM65INT92    18529     40             
1379Richard JacksonM45DEVON91                    4744    
1379Harriet KeenanW18DEVON91                    4546    
1379Mark SaundersM45TVOC91                4744        
1379Kerina LakeW45SBOC91             41       50    
1379Rob ParkinsonM65MOR91            41       50     
1379Rachel ScottW55GRAMP91          4744              
1379Andrew FrenchM55WIM91        15           3937    
1379Colin SmithM55SYO91        4447                
1379John WoodallM85NOC91      4447                  
1379Ian HopkinsM55WRE91    4 1321     25  28         
1379Rhys CaudwellM16SYO91    101510102125                
1379Thomas WilsonM21CLYDE91    382528                   
1379Les SmithardM70KFO91    9        18 41        23 
1379Susan BuxtonW60LEI91    381736                   
1379Roger GoodingM50SOS91   4811   32                 
1379Steve ChaferM55LEI91   37 07      12           35
1395Michael CookeM45BAOC90                        4743
1395Diana McClureW70SBOC90                    4743    
1395Rowan PurkisW70LOC90          4545              
1395Eilidh CampbellW21EUOC90      4347                  
1395Ian TurnerM75SOLWAY90     1827     45             
1395Keith MassonM60MV90     252441